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Tell the Nations/ YouthReach Pakistan


     Saleem Siddique volunteered with YouthReach

for a year during  2012/2013. A Rhema Bible

College Graduate, he had been in business

for the  previous seven years. He was both

a huge blessing to and hugely blessed

by the ministry in Diepsloot township.


     Seeing the joy on the learners faces and experiencing the moving of God's spirit in the meetings, Saleem recognized that he had a responsibiity to bring the same Gospel message to the marginalised youth of Lahore Pakistan. He understood that, though this would come at a huge cost and sacrifice for him, God would repay with spiritual blessings and rewards. "He had respect for the recomplense of the reward." Hebrews 11. 

      He set up his church and ministry in Lahore and reaches young people in both the city and rural areas surrounding Lahore. And God has provided him with a beautiful wife, Theresa and son Joshua to partner him in the work.

     Youth Reach continues to mentor and support Saleem, providing finances and Gospel materials. 

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Contact us

Phoebe Barker

082 495 1969

Office address: 

7, Morgenster Crescent, Lonehill, Johannesburg

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